Heritage - Património Arqueológico | Cadaval Cativa

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Património Arqueológico

National Monument 'Royal Ice Factory'

The industrial complex of the Real Fábrica do Gelo, classified as a National Monument in 1997, is a unique technological structure in Portugal, dedicated to manufacturing natural ice. The first information regarding the construction of this snow factory dates from 1741, being in 1782 the opening of a new phase, after the factory’s amplification work by one of the most important owners of this unit, the snowmaker Julião Pereira de Castro. This factory kept working until 1885.


The lime kiln, located on the west side of the Real Fábrica do Gelo complex, was built to supply the lime as mortar for the construction of the structures as well as to paint the interior of the wells and tanks for hygienic purposes.

Calçada dos Frades

Built in the 18th century to serve the construction and use of the Convento Dominicano de Nossa Senhora das Neves.
